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Friday, September 14, 2012


Well sha me I know say no matter how I task Baba G, Him no fit go broke! You dey feel me? Abeg carry go jare...
Ephesians 1:18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.

Your inheritance in Christ is so glorious that you
need to pray to God to open your eyes to understand it. Apostle Paul was praying for God to open the eyes of the believers at Ephesus so that they may know how rich and glorious their inheritance in Christ is.

One major thing that helps you enjoy your inheritance in Christ is your understanding of God’s great love and grace towards you. Your inheritance is so glorious that if you are not strong in the understanding of God’s love and grace towards you, you may disqualify yourself and not walk in the fulfillment of it. Paul admonished believers to give themselves to God and to the revelation of God’s grace because it is able to give them their inheritance. Let your heart be established with grace. Apostle Paul also said that the secret of his life was the grace of God. He was strong in the revelation of God’s grace.

You must also realize that as a joint heir with Christ, you are entitled to everything that Christ is entitled to as a son of God. This is why you can do greater works; just like Christ. This is why you must know Christ more and more. Gaze on His glory because you are a joint heir with him. You are just like Him. You share what He has. You share in the unsearchable riches of Christ, the infinite riches of Christ! As you grow in grace and Christ, you partake more and more in the glorious inheritance that God has prepared for you in Christ. This is why Apostle Peter admonished believers to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the LORD Jesus Christ, 2 Peter 3:18.

What I have, you have, share in my abundant riches and glorious wealth! Scoop as much as you can, fear not, I can never go broke!
Jehovah Overdo has spoken!

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