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Friday, September 14, 2012


James 1:17 every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

If you really understand that
every good and perfect gift comes from God, you must make up your mind to never hate or envy anybody because something good is happening in their life. It is God that makes His sun shine on the evil and the good and sends His rain to the just and the unjust.

When you hate, envy or fight people because of good things happening in their lives, two things are happening. One is you are attacking the grace that is at work in their lives. You are asking God why He is giving someone something good that they don’t deserve and you are indirectly telling god to not give you something good that you don’t deserve! You are preventing that grace from working in your life also. Jonah was angry that God had mercy on the land of Nineveh, so god gave him an illustration. God allowed the plant that He (God) made to shade Jonah from the sun, to be eaten up by a worm. Since he didn’t want Nineveh to be shielded from destruction, his own shield from the heat of the sun was removed also. This is why God’s word says we should rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.

The second thing that happens when you hate, envy or fight people because of good things happening in their lives is that you will be fighting God! Yes O! Jesus told Paul that by persecuting the children of God, he (Saul) was persecuting Christ. Jesus told him that it is hard to kick against thorns. When we fight people, we are fighting God and we are kicking against thorns. What we do to men we are doing to Him. We cant say we love God if we don’t love men that we see!

Today, acknowledge the goodness of God in the lives of men. Love all men.

Jehovah Overdo has spoken!

courtesy Above only Devotional

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