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Friday, September 14, 2012


I got something very special from a dear friend of mine(Precious A.) just now and I couldn't help but share it here with you too...
Sometimes I wonder how the notorious robber that terrorized Benin in the ancient times popularly know as "Anini" would have become if he had the chance to be converted? he would have a become a very powerful preacher i tell you...even think of others, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and all the likes...lesson, never underestimate the power of the Spirit of God in man, it transforms totally! now enough of me..please read on...

The power of God's spirit is beyond all human understanding and comprehension, it is beyond what science can study and explain; a power that exceeds the boundaries of human limitations. Apostle Peter that denied Christ 3 times was turned into a new man by the power of the Spirit. He boldly spoke to the people that crucified Christ, telling them the truth to their face and many of them got saved. How did he become so fearless all of a sudden? It was by the power of the spirit, he experienced the regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit. God lives in us by His Spirit: by the Spirit you can function in the fullness of God's ability. You also by the power of the Spirit will keep and yourself unto God. By the Spirit of God, you put to 
death the deeds of the flesh and by the Spirit, you are strengthened with might in your inner man. You operate in the fullness of God because God has filled you with His Spirit, the power of the Spirit is real and mighty. You can live by the power and dictates of the Spirit everyday of your life, His Spirit in you is stirred up and you can walk in His fullness... You are not ordinary!!!

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